Sunday, February 8, 2015


Sceletium Tortuosum, a flowering succulent from South Africa. 
It's an entheogen with human use being witnessed by early Dutch settlers in the 1600s.
It was traditionally fermented and chewed.
Its entheogen status is accreddited by the presence of many alkaloids, the main alkaloid being "Mesembrine,"which acts as a natural SSRI inhibitor.
It effects the mood when ingested, and is said to be:
anxiolytic, euphoric, anorectic, stimulant

This is an image of my "Kanna" succulent in full bloom last year. 

These are 7 rooted cuttings I recently planted under an awning in 
front of my house. The succulent is a beautiful ornamental with jade green
leaves and creamy white flowers.

One year old rooted cuttings that overwintered under a glass table. 
They are ready for transplant, and have each given me
4 new cuttings, as seen in the photo above on on top of a piece of granite. 

This is the current state of the mother plant. Its trunk and branches are thick. I'm not
sure if I can still take off viable cuttings or if it's become too woody. I can't wait
for it to go into full bloom this year though! The flowers are just lovely.